The night my stepping down was announced, I deleted myself as an Admin on and got 'in trouble'.
2 Samuel 6:7 was shared with me for being presumptuous.
just a thought.
would those who are resurrected (if it existed) to the new system have bellybuttons.
You can have the belly button, I want my ape ancestor wisdom teeth back.
"Whatchu talkin bout Willis?"
Hand Check!
sooner or later it happens to all of us.the time comes for us to draw our last breath and pass from this life into the next.over the years history has recorded some fascinating "famous last words" are a few.. "i've never felt better".douglas fairbanks,sr.,actor.. "iam about to----or i am going to-----die;either expression is correct".dominique bouhours,french grammarian.. "don't let it end like this.tell them i said something.
"pancho villa,mexican revolutionary.. "all my possessions for a moment of time!
"elizabeth 1,queen of england.. "everybody has got to die,but i have always believed an exception would be made in my what?
America: I'm coming!
England: I'm arriving!
sooner or later it happens to all of us.the time comes for us to draw our last breath and pass from this life into the next.over the years history has recorded some fascinating "famous last words" are a few.. "i've never felt better".douglas fairbanks,sr.,actor.. "iam about to----or i am going to-----die;either expression is correct".dominique bouhours,french grammarian.. "don't let it end like this.tell them i said something.
"pancho villa,mexican revolutionary.. "all my possessions for a moment of time!
"elizabeth 1,queen of england.. "everybody has got to die,but i have always believed an exception would be made in my what?
"I told you as$holes I didn't feel well"
so i was asked if "jehovah's witnesses feel they are the only ones who will be saved.".
he said "i thought you would say that" and showed me our own website:. .
jdash - right?!
On the way home from the meeting today my 14 year old said...."the murderer hanging on the stake...Jesus said would be in His kingdom. Was he baptized?"
Also from today's Watchtower there were THREE specific places where baptism age was mentioned:
1) "A teenager named Abigail, who got baptized at age 12"
2) "An 18-year-old sister, baptized when she was 13"
3) "That is a comment made by Olivia, who is 17 and who got baptized as a preteen"
One of my other children asked...."how old was Jesus when he was Baptized?" I enjoyed reminding them of the answer.
I LOVE this age of critical thinking and am hopeful it will save the wife and kids from high control group misery. Trust the unchanging life principles of the Bible, not a group of men and their institutionalized and fluctuating interpretations.
so i was asked if "jehovah's witnesses feel they are the only ones who will be saved.".
he said "i thought you would say that" and showed me our own website:. .
So I was asked if "Jehovah's Witnesses feel they are the only ones who will be saved."
I said, no. He said "I thought you would say that" and showed me our own website:
No. Many millions who....weren’t Jehovah’s Witnesses will have an opportunity for salvation....Additionally, many now living (who have yet to become Jehovah's Witnesses) may yet begin to serve God, and they too will gain salvation.
"Care to revise your statement?"
because someone needs my help.. as a jw -- you can relate -- i truly believed that what everyone really needed was the kingdom hope and its eventual reality.
you know, the hope that does not lead to disappointment.
of course, if anyone needed practical help with a task or getting through some difficulty, most of us realized that was part of being a helpful and caring friend (or family member).. at nearly seventy years of age -- no, i didn't enter the promised kingdom in my healthful and vibrant youth -- my getting out of bed isn't so bad.
Much appreciated.
Some may read that letter and feel that since its from 1992, surely they don't still feel this way...right?
As of the last nasty JC I was on 11/2017 before stepping down.....NOTHING HAS CHANGED. I spent hours on the phone with the legal and service desks. Only reveal what you are legally obligated to so as to prevent repercussion$ to the ORG is the SOP.